An overview of the 2020 Existing Building Code of NYS (EBCNYS) utilizing two project examples, for recipients to better understand how to use the Existing Building Code and the main code provisions that can affect design and trigger compliance with the Building Code of NYS, as follows:
- Review 2020 EBCNYS scope and format
- Cover general accessibility, structural, and fire protection requirements from EBCNYS Chapter 3 (provide graphic examples of upgrades required)
- Review main Alterations-Level 1, -Level 2, and -Level 3 provisions and how they progressively become more restrictive and/or trigger compliance with new construction requirements for means of egress, accessibility, and engineering systems
- Comprehensively review Chapter 10 – Change of Occupancy for means of egress, accessibility, fire separations, fire protection systems, building height/are, and fire distance separation, specifically for urban mixed use (residential and commercial) buildings
- Review Historic Buildings Chapter 12, including different applications and flexibility within the provisions
- Walk through project examples and the EBCNYS provisions, to show how they apply and what would be triggered, based on the scope of work
Approved for 4.5 HSW/LU
Registration Fees:
- AIA Members: $90
- Non-Members: $110