The Small Firms Exchange is hosting an in-person meeting at the Center for Architecture on Tuesday, July 23 from 6pm-8pm. The main agenda for the event will be to assemble smaller working groups on different topics pertinent to small firms. We appreciate everyone who can be there in person to please join. (We will also have a zoom component.)

Our preliminary, thoroughly non-exhaustive, list of working groups and their draft goals are below. These groups can all change based on the group members’ goals. If there are other areas of focus, you’d like to work on, please bring your ideas. We’ll have a survey to collect other potential working groups to assemble.

  • Resources Working Group
    This group’s goal is to assemble and organize a set of resources for small firms, from financial and business management to legal, staffing, hiring, consultant referrals, and other concerns.
  • Collaboration Working Group
    This group’s goal is to focus on how to make collaboration between small firms easier. They should focus on key questions like how collaborative small firms can act like big firms to compete for business, how to assemble a database of small firms looking to partner for bigger projects, and how to foster interstate collaborations.
  • Labor and Lobbying Working Group
    This group’s goal will be two-fold – how can we educate clients that small firms and collaborations of small firms are in their best interest? And how can we focus on labor rights and its momentum to help small firms, who do not have the traditional management vs labor dichotomy? (This could also become two working groups if need be.)

Please feel free to share this event with other interested parties and they can join our mailing list by submitting the form linked here.
